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Las mejores frases de Enciéndeme (32)

Diem 13 November 2018
And I promise myself then, in that moment, that I will hold him forever, just like this, until all the pain and torture and suffering is gone, until he's given a chance to live the kind of life where no one can wound him this deeply ever again.
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Diem 13 November 2018
It's weird, how I feel when I look at him now. There is no extreme emotion in me. No excess of happiness or sadness. Not upset. Not overjoyed. His face is familiar to me; his body, familiar to me. His unsteady smile, as he looks at me, is familiar to me.
How strange that we can go from friends to inseparable to hateful then causal all in one lifetime.
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Diem 13 November 2018
Is it possible to love someone and then stop loving them? I don't think I even know what love is.
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Diem 13 November 2018
I need air. I need a new brain. I need to jump out of a window and catch a ride with a dragon to a world far form here.
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Diem 13 November 2018
...and when he finally looks at me again there are stories in his eyes, thoughts and feelings and whispers of things I've never even seen before. Truths he might never bring himself to say; impossible things and unbelievable things and an abundance of feeling I've never thought him capable of.
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Diem 13 November 2018
My eyes finally adjust to the darkness and I blink, only to find him looking into my eyes like he can see into my soul.
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Diem 13 November 2018
Las palabras son como semillas, me parece, que se siembran en nuestros corazones a muy temprana edad.
Echan raíces en nuestro interior y se acomodan en la profundidad de nuestras almas.
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Diem 27 July 2018
Mis ojos se llenan de lágrimas y pestañeo y pestañeo pero el mundo es un caos y quiero reír porque lo único en lo que puedo pensar es en cuan horrible y hermoso es que nuestros ojos puedan nublar la realidad cuando no podemos soportarla.
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Diem 24 July 2018
Pero algo hay en la oscuridad, en la calma a esta hora, que creo que genera un lenguaje propio. Hay cierta libertad extraña; una vulnerabilidad aterradora que nos permitimos en los momentos más equivocados, engañados por la oscuridad que creemos que guardará nuestros secretos. Olvidamos que la negrura no es una manta, olvidamos que el sol saldrá pronto. Pero en ese momento, al menos, nos sentimos suficientemente valientes para decir cosas que nunca diríamos a la luz del día.
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Diem 18 July 2018
Es el tipo de beso que inspira a las estrellas a escalar el cielo para iluminar el mundo.
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