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ISBN : 0571384935
208 páginas
Editorial: FABER ET FABER (30/11/-1)
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Citas y frases (3) Añadir cita
Mariner78Mariner7804 December 2023
Because the girl is alone in the house, and because she has been locked in a state of pure, petrified panic ever since her mother left for the hospital, Baumgartner goes on talking to her for another ten minutes. At one point toward the end of the conversation, he manages to coax something that resembles a laugh from her, and when they finally hang up, that tiny excuse of a laugh is what stays with him, for he is almost certain it will stand as the single most important thing he has accomplished all day.
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Mariner78Mariner7824 December 2023
Baumgartner still feels, still loves, still lusts, still wants to live, but the innermost part of him is dead. He has known that for the past ten years, and for the past ten years he has done everything in his power not to know it.
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Mariner78Mariner7826 December 2023
To live is to feel pain, he told himself, and to live in fear of pain is to refuse to live.
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Videos de Paul Auster (18) Ver másAñadir vídeo
Vidéo de Paul Auster
Paul Auster habla sobre la importancia del tono o música particular de cada libro. Fue durante una entrevista en 2018 para el programa "Los 7 locos". #escritor #literatura #paulauster #libros #lecturas #books #literatura #lector #lectora
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Test Ver más

Descubre la magia: test de la saga Harry Potter, de J.K.Rowling

¿Qué medida tomó el profesor Snape para proteger la Piedra Filosofal?

Ganar una partida de ajedrez mágico
Recitar los ingredientes del Felix Felicis
Descifrar un enigma
Elaborar una poción multijugos

7 preguntas
136 lectores participarón
Thème : J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro