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Templar Publishing (Traductor)
ISBN : 8494648667
44 páginas
Editorial: Flamboyant (05/03/2017)
Today the Colour Monster is feeling very mixed up. He's yellow, blue, red, black and green all at once. Can you help him sort himself out? A stunning pop-out adventure that explores colours and feelings in a fun and gentle way.
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (1) Añadir una crítica
 26 May 2023
This charming and simple tale takes us into the fascinating language of emotions as we accompany the Monster of Colors on his mission to unravel the emotional mess he's gotten himself into.

The story begins with the Monster of Colors, who finds himself in a true emotional tangle. He has mixed up his emotions, and now it's up to him to untangle the mess. Throughout the pages, we embark on an exciting and entertaining journey where we, alongside the Monster, discover the different colors and meanings of emotions.

The author ingeniously and simply conveys the importance of understanding our emotions and how to handle them. Through vibrant illustrations and friendly text, we immerse ourselves in a world full of joy, sadness, anger, calmness, and fear, among other emotions, teaching us the importance of recognizing, accepting, and expressing our emotions in a healthy way.

This tale is not only fun and entertaining but also a valuable tool to initiate conversations about emotions with children and adults alike. Through the story of the Monster of Colors, we learn that emotions are normal and that each one has its own place and meaning in our lives.

"The Monster of Colors" invites us to explore and understand our emotions in a playful and accessible manner. As the Monster untangles the emotional mess, it teaches us to identify our own emotions and understand how they affect us. Furthermore, it shows us the importance of empathy and communication in order to comprehend and assist others in their own emotional journeys.
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Videos de Anna Llenas (6) Ver másAñadir vídeo
Vidéo de Anna Llenas
El Monstre de Colors ara és doctor i ajuda a curar les emocions, sobretot aquelles que s'han fet tan grans que costen de digerir. Després de reconèixer i posar nom a les emocions, ara, amb l'ajuda del seu maletí, ens ensenyarà a regular-les per tal de sentir-nos millor. Ens hi acompanyes?
El nou llibre del best-seller internacional El Monstre de Colors, d'Anna Llenas.
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Fahrenheit 451

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190 lectores participarón
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