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ISBN : 0340818670
640 páginas
Editorial: New English Library (15/01/2002)
Although it is difficult to believe, the Sixties are not fictional: THEY ACTUALLY HAPPENED. No matter the format, Stephen King's work is spellbinding because the author himself is spellbound. The first hugely popular writer of the TV generation, King published his first novel, Carrie, in 1974, the year before the last U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam. Images from that war -- and protests against it -- had flooded America's living rooms for nearly ten years. In Hear... >Voir plus
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Vidéo de Stephen King
Richard Bachman hace años que no está entre nosotros pero dejó su obra marcada a fuego en quienes leemos a Stephen King. Junto al escritor Luciano Lamberti, ganador del premio Clarín novela por Para hechizar a un cazador, Ariel repasa la obra de Bachman y deja que se cuele una novela que ambos defienden con uñas y dientes: Los Tommyknockers.
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