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Mia Sánchez Postigo (Traductor)
ISBN : 8419030910
352 páginas
Editorial: Umbriel (19/03/2024)

Calificación promedio : 3.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
Finding your way is never a simple journey... Alice sees the worst in people. She also sees the best. She sees a thousand different emotions and knows exactly what everyone around her is feeling. Every. Single. Day. But it's the dark thoughts. The sadness. The rage. These are the things she can't get out of her head. The things that overwhelm her. Where will the journey to find herself begin?
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¿Cuánto sabes sobre 1984?

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252 lectores participarón
Thème : 1984 de George OrwellCrear un test sobre este libro