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ISBN : 1474616461
192 páginas
Editorial: Weidenfeld & Nicolson (17/09/2019)

Calificación promedio : 2/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
Brooklyn, 2001. It is the evening of sixteen-year-old Melody's coming of age ceremony in her grandparents' brownstone. Watched lovingly by her relatives and friends, making her entrance to the music of Prince, she wears a special custom-made dress - the very same dress that was sewn for a different wearer, Melody's mother, for a celebration that ultimately never took place.

Unfurling the history of Melody's family - from the 1921 Tulsa race massacre t... >Voir plus
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lizquieslizquies27 November 2021
Some people don't believe that you can meet a persona and know that's the person for you fot the rest of your life
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lizquieslizquies27 November 2021
Something about memory. It takes you back to where you were and lets you just be there for a time
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