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ISBN : 0062943510
448 páginas
Editorial: William Morrow (29/03/2022)

Calificación promedio : 5/5 (sobre 2 calificaciones)
The New York Times bestselling author of The Rose Code returns with an unforgettable World War II tale of a quiet bookworm who becomes history’s deadliest female sniper. Based on a true story.

In 1937 in the snowbound city of Kiev (now known as Kyiv), wry and bookish history student Mila Pavlichenko organizes her life around her library job and her young son—but Hitler’s invasion of Ukraine and Russia sends her on a different path. Given a rif... >Voir plus
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Citas y frases (4) Añadir cita
LuthorLuthor15 April 2022
Much to the disappointment of the American press I’d meet later, a woman soldier’s uniform in the Red Army was not tight, svelte, or alluring. It had all the grace of a potato sack, but itchier.
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LuthorLuthor15 April 2022
So the eternal question—What is it like, to be a sniper?—has no answer. Every day was different. If it was a day I lived, it was a good day.
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LuthorLuthor15 April 2022
Insulting my dissertation, now that’s a sure way into a woman’s bedroll!
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LuthorLuthor15 April 2022
He was just another marksman, and I was Lyudmila Pavlichenko.
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¿Cuanto sabes sobre el cuco de cristal?

¿Cuál es el órgano que trasplantan a Cora?

El corazón
Un pulmón
Un riñón

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