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Las mejores frases de Losing Hope: A Novel by Colleen Hoover (4)

unalectorasalvaje 16 January 2020
I've learned over the past year that is really means to be able to miss someone. In order to miss someone, that means you were privileged enough to have them in your life to begin with
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unalectorasalvaje 16 January 2020
Being with her had me thinking about tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and next year and forever
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unalectorasalvaje 16 January 2020
I’ve loved Hope since we were kids. But tonight? Tonight I fell in love with Sky
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unalectorasalvaje 16 January 2020
I wonder if it's possible for people to fall in love with a person one characteristic at a time or if you fall for the entire person at once
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