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ISBN : 9798610753331
421 páginas
Editorial: Independently published (07/02/2020)

Calificación promedio : 5/5 (sobre 3 calificaciones)
Not even love can conquer the demons of our pasts...⁣

Flame and Maddie have found solace and safety in one another’s arms, two fractured souls beginning to heal. But no matter how strong their love grows, it can never completely vanquish the demons of their pasts. These demons are dormant, not defeated.⁣

Now a new enemy threatens the Hangmen, and a new revelation threatens the peace Maddie and Flame hold so dea... >Voir plus
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Test Ver más

¿Cuanto sabes sobre el cuco de cristal?

¿Cuál es el órgano que trasplantan a Cora?

El corazón
Un pulmón
Un riñón

10 preguntas
2 lectores participarón
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