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ISBN : 198666581X
379 páginas
Editorial: Amazon Publishing (21/08/2018)

Calificación promedio : 5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
They came to earth—Pestilence, War, Famine, Death—four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all. When Pestilence comes for Sara Burn’s town, one thing is certain: everyone she knows and loves is marked for death. Unless, of course, the angelic-looking horseman is stopped, which is exactly what Sara has in mind when she shoots th... >Voir plus
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Cazadores de sombras ¿Cuánto sabes de la saga?

¿Quién escribió la saga?

Stephanie Meyer
Cassandra Clare
A. G. Howard
Laura Gallego

15 preguntas
84 lectores participarón
Thèmes : cazadores de sombras , saga paranormal romantica juvenilCrear un test sobre este libro