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Editorial: Autoeditado (03/10/2020)
The mafia capo's handpicked foster son...
When my parents were killed by a rival network's hitter, the capo took me in and treated me as his own son. But what if all I want is to be a regular boy having fun?

"Bully Crush Blues" is a Last Chances Academy short story that gives you a sneak peek at Kyle/Kingsley's life before the events of, "Hot Roommate Blues," the first novel in a new series set in an elite academy for bad boys where gay romanc... >Voir plus
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Test Ver más

¿Cuanto sabes sobre el cuco de cristal?

¿Cuál es el órgano que trasplantan a Cora?

El corazón
Un pulmón
Un riñón

10 preguntas
2 lectores participarón
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