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ISBN : 0758292244
480 páginas
Editorial: Kensington (29/04/2014)
That summer feeling: sun-filled days, warm nights, and the sweet expectation that comes with finding--or rediscovering--love. . .

His Bride To Be, Lisa Jackson

The job perks: a two-week luxury cruise in the company of one of the most eligible bachelors on the West Coast. But posing as Hale Donovan's fianc�e to finesse a takeover deal will challenge all of Valerie Pryce's resolve to keep business and pleasure separate. . .
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¿Cuanto sabes sobre el cuco de cristal?

¿Cuál es el órgano que trasplantan a Cora?

El corazón
Un pulmón
Un riñón

10 preguntas
2 lectores participarón
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