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Editorial: Berkley (06/09/2022)
After butting heads, an event planner and a wedding officiant begin an enemies with benefits arrangement as wedding bells chime around them in the newest rom-com from acclaimed author Denise Williams.

Divorce attorney RJ would never describe herself as romantic. But when she ends up officiating an unplanned wedding for a newly engaged couple in a park, her life is turned upside down. The video of the ceremony goes viral, and she finds herself in the u... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes sobre Drácula de Bram Stoker?

¿En quién se inspiró Bram Stoker para crear su personaje?

Arminius Vámbéry
Vlad Tepes
Vladislav II

10 preguntas
149 lectores participarón
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