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ISBN : 1676866493
374 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (17/12/2019)
JAYNE SHEPHERD has spent his life blending in. He smiles. He laughs. He's likeable. He's also a sociopath. His emotions are limited. Love, fear, and desire don't exist in his world. Until he meets Elijah.

ELIJAH DUNNE had everything. Third generation Hollywood royalty. Child star. Untouchable. Until one man ruined it all. Elijah fled LA to try to forget, but now, he's back on top and back on a monster's radar. Elijah doesn't think he'll ever feel safe... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes sobre La casa de los espíritus?

¿En qué país se desarrolla la obra?


10 preguntas
54 lectores participarón
Thème : La casa de los espíritus de Isabel AllendeCrear un test sobre este libro