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ISBN : 0062959921
384 páginas
Editorial: AVON BOOKS (08/07/2020)

Calificación promedio : 4.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
Leading Ladies do not end up on tabloid covers. After a messy public breakup, soap opera darling Jasmine Lin Rodriguez finds her face splashed across the tabloids. When she returns to her hometown of New York City to film the starring role in a bilingual romantic comedy for the number one streaming service in the country, Jasmine figures her new "Leading Lady Plan" should be easy enough to follow-until a casting shake-up pairs her with telenovela hunk Ashton Suarez.... >Voir plus
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La Metamorfosis

Gregorio Samsa es un ...

viajante de comercio

13 preguntas
862 lectores participarón
Thème : La metamorfosis de Franz KafkaCrear un test sobre este libro