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ISBN : 1591823633
193 páginas
Editorial: TokyoPop (17/06/2003)

Calificación promedio : 5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
A smoke-filled alley in Chinatown harbors Count D's Pet Shop. The pets sold here aren's your everyday variety and the Count prides himself on selling Love and Dreams in the form of magical creatures that come with an exclusive contract. But buyers beware. If the contract is broken the Count cannot be held accountable for whatever may happen. A fascinating and macabre look into the very soul of human nature.

Contains the following stories:
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Adivina el personaje de terror

Es un cuerpo creado a partir de la unión de distintas partes de cadáveres diseccionados, escrito por Mary Shelley a partir del reto literario de Lord Byron.

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143 lectores participarón
Thèmes : terror clásico , horrorCrear un test sobre este libro