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ISBN : 038535066X
496 páginas
Editorial: KNOPF (15/09/2015)
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Videos de Andrea Wulf (5) Ver másAñadir vídeo
Vidéo de Andrea Wulf
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How did Humboldt organize his trip across Latin America? What should we rediscover from the German polymath's teachings to confront the challenges of today? Who are the Magnificent Rebels that he discusses in his latest book? In this video, Andrea Wulf addresses these questions and others to offer insights into some historical figures who have shaped our current way of thinking.
Andrea Wulf is a historian and writer, known for her books on natural history and science. She is the author of several critically acclaimed essays such as Founding Gardeners, The Brother Gardeners and Chasing Venus: The Race to Measure the Heavens. Her book The Invention of Nature, a biography of Alexander von Humboldt, received many awards including the Royal Society Science Book Award and the Costa Biography Award. She has recently published Magnificent Rebels, an essay about the Romanticism in the German city of Jena.
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¿Qué sabes de El nombre del viento?

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