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Editorial: Independently published (06/08/2021)
My diving trainer, Everett, has coached me all the way to the Olympics. Now I'm competing on a world stage for a gold medal. But when we arrive in Tokyo, my technique is off. I'm restless, aching—and I can't pinpoint why. But Everett knows exactly what I need to get my concentration back. Now he's coaching me in a whole new way, revealing an obsession with me that has been simmering under the surface for years, preparing to boil...
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Lectores (1) Ver más

Test Ver más

¿Eres un verdadero fan de Harry Potter?

¿Qué objetousaron como traslador en el Mundial de Quidditch?

Una bota vieja
El trofeo de los tres magos
Una cerveza de mantequilla
Un cubo sucio

11 preguntas
425 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter: La Colección Completa de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro