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ISBN : 1732461147
126 páginas
Editorial: Endless Night Publications (01/12/2018)

Calificación promedio : 4/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
"A beautiful retelling, perfect for anyone who likes darker-themed romance, horror stories, or plain ol’ lesbian vampires." -The Lesbian 52

In the late 19th century, Laura lives a lonely life in a schloss by the forest, Styria, with only her doting father and two governesses for company. A chance accident brings a new companion, however – the eccentric and beautiful Carmilla.

With charm unparalleled and habits as mysterious as her histo... >Voir plus
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bibliotecadepueblobibliotecadepueblo16 November 2022
Her lips touched mine. With the gentleness of butterflies upon petals, we kissed beneath the grove of trees, secluded from the world, lost in time.
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bibliotecadepueblobibliotecadepueblo20 November 2022
But truthfully, I sought the greatest horror of them all. Despite my denial, I courted death; I made love to death.
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bibliotecadepueblobibliotecadepueblo14 November 2022
She caressed my waist as she released me, the gesture familiar from others, yet drawing a foreign sort of intimacy from her, a shock that ran through my blood.
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Ensayo escrito por Virginia Woolf.

Una habitación propia
El segundo sexo
Todos deberíamos ser feministas

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