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ISBN : 8415695594
192 páginas
Editorial: Angle (24/02/2014)

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Video de Albert Pijuan (1) Ver másAñadir vídeo
Vidéo de Albert Pijuan
Albert Pijuan sets out a feasible idea and viable commercial plan to restore harmony to the planet. This short book explores - and illustrates in full colour - the ethical, historical, economic and even dietary repercussions of a project that would fall perfectly within the rationality of late capitalism's goals, and which even proves to be ecological. In short: Why don't we market and eat human flesh as we do with other animals? This fiction's genius lies in the true content of the joke; the tightrope on which the most intelligent, civilised and polite gesture in the midst of this mess teeters: humour.
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Lectores (1) Ver más

Test Ver más

¿Qué tanto conoces Buscando a Alaska?

¿Por que decidió irse al internado Miles?

Porque ahí estudio su padre
Para buscar un Gran Quizá
Porque estaba aburrido de su escuela
Para conseguir amigos

10 preguntas
37 lectores participarón
Thème : Buscando a Alaska de John GreenCrear un test sobre este libro