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Editorial: Angle Editorial (28/09/2020)

Calificación promedio : 3/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
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Citas y frases (2) Añadir cita
lizquieslizquies01 January 2022
futur és només un miratge, i si imagines amb la força adequada com vols que sigui el futur aconsegueixes plantar una llavor en el present que acabarà germinant sota la forma del futur desitjat.
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lizquieslizquies01 January 2022
no és valent qui no té por, sinó qui, malgrat tenir-ne, continua endavant
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Video de Albert Pijuan (1) Ver másAñadir vídeo
Vidéo de Albert Pijuan
Albert Pijuan sets out a feasible idea and viable commercial plan to restore harmony to the planet. This short book explores - and illustrates in full colour - the ethical, historical, economic and even dietary repercussions of a project that would fall perfectly within the rationality of late capitalism's goals, and which even proves to be ecological. In short: Why don't we market and eat human flesh as we do with other animals? This fiction's genius lies in the true content of the joke; the tightrope on which the most intelligent, civilised and polite gesture in the midst of this mess teeters: humour.
#librosdelzorrorojo #ilustración #librosdelzorrorojo #2023enZorroRojo #libroilustrado #booktrailer
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