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248 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (10/12/2019)
Blade has a motorcycle club to run and he doesn’t need a turf war on his hands. When a beautiful young man with haunted eyes walks into his bar, Blade’s protective instincts roar to the surface. The kid clearly isn’t made for MC life, but once Blade has had a taste, he can’t let go.

All MCs can burn in hell, as far as Logan is concerned. He’s seen the way his father runs his club, and he wants nothing to do with the life. But infiltrating Hell’s Ankho... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes acerca de Cumbres Borrascosas?

Cumbres Borrascosas es el nombre de:

Una montaña
Una casa
Un pueblo

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46 lectores participarón
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