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ISBN : 9798585366475
147 páginas
Editorial: Publicación independiente (27/12/2020)
In the second half of the fourth millennium B.C., in what is now southern Iraq, several urban centers, such as Uruk, controlled their closest territory, exploiting the resources of the environment and expanding their influence thousands of kilometers away. This is known as the Uruk period. Thus, they came to establish a colonial system, more or less organized, with the intention of controlling the resources of the periphery. Habuba Kabira is a good example of this. ... >Voir plus
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Una corte de rosas y espinas

Es un retelling de...

La bella y la bestia

9 preguntas
74 lectores participarón
Thème : Una corte de rosas y espinas de Sarah J. MaasCrear un test sobre este libro