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ISBN : 1523621389
264 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (20/01/2016)
Their chemistry on the field is undeniable. But can they ever be more than friends?

Jason Hawkins is about to throw the biggest Hail Mary pass of his career.

If he can't turn NFL recruiters' heads this year, he'll lose his shot at the one thing he's ever been good at. But every quarterback needs a man he can count on down-field. For Jason, that man just might be the Tigers' new receiver, Derek Griffin.

Four years ago, Der... >Voir plus
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Cazadores de sombras ¿Cuánto sabes de la saga?

¿Quién escribió la saga?

Stephanie Meyer
Cassandra Clare
A. G. Howard
Laura Gallego

15 preguntas
84 lectores participarón
Thèmes : cazadores de sombras , saga paranormal romantica juvenilCrear un test sobre este libro