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Editorial: Sin editorial (22/11/2021)

Calificación promedio : 3/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
Young doctor, Nohr works in the emergency room to become a general practitioner. In this competitive environment, her fighting spirit and motivation have been put to the test. “It’s not a job for a woman!”, She would almost let herself be convinced. But during one stormy evening, the spirit of her colleague and rival, Maxence, is propelled into her own body. Faced with such confusion, only the acceptance of the other, but also of oneself, will put an end to an unrea... >Voir plus
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Géneros y títulos para todos los niveles


Cuento tradicional
Novela de terror

11 preguntas
106 lectores participarón
Thèmes : genero literarioCrear un test sobre este libro