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ISBN : 1980742669
133 páginas
Editorial: MAAT Libros (04/01/2019)

Calificación promedio : 5/5 (sobre 15 calificaciones)
Something happens every thirty years in the small coastal town of Cabo Rojo; the disappearances do not stop happening and the storm takes away the traces of them. The night of January 5th begins; the air seems heavier, the real and the imaginary is blurred. However, what is really happening?Five teenagers head for a summer vacation to Cabo Rojo and they will be confronted with a presence more terrifying than death itself...a hideously and powerful luminescence that ... >Voir plus
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Harry Potter para principiantes

¿Cuántas novelas hay en la serie Harry Potter?


7 preguntas
639 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro