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Crítica de Laia

23 December 2018
I might say that this book is the one I least like of all the series.
The first chapters are slow in action (and kind of boring I may add), and then, well, after that everything at Hogwarts is messed up. UFFF that Umbridge woman, I hate her, is the best-written evil/not-really-evil character through all the series.

The thing I love most about this one is that we get more of Ginny (who I love), a little bit more of Lupin and Tonks, who lighten the mood a little for me.

Rereading/relistening the book made me realize a lot of things I've missed, like, how awful are Harry's rage episodes, or how Dumbledor post this calm face but he really has no idea how to save Harry from the prophecy.

Well, I guess I'll keep reading, then.

Enlace: https://laiaisreading.blogsp..
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