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ISBN : 0857844989
396 páginas
Editorial: UIT Cambridge Ltd. (01/01/2020)
The dangers of illegal drugs are well known and rarely disputed, but how harmful are alcohol and tobacco by comparison? What are we missing by banning medical eesyinto magic mushrooms, LSD and cannabis? Can they be sources of valuable treatments?

Drugs without the hot air looks at the science to allow anyyto make rational decisions based on objective evidence, asking:

- What is addiction? Is there an addictive personality?
- What... >Voir plus
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Marte: El fuego latente de Cidonia

¿Porque saben que en la Luna se puede extraer helio-3?

Por su existencia en la Tierra
Por el color del suelo Lunar
Gracias a las misiones Apollo

10 preguntas
3 lectores participarón
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