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ISBN : 1847175570
256 páginas
Editorial: Editorial O'Brien Press Ltd (14/04/2014)

Calificación promedio : 3.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
The date was Good Friday, April 23rd in the Year of Our Lord 1014. The most ferocious battle ever fought in Ireland was about to begin...

In the three decades since Morgan Llyweyln wrote the bestselling novel Lion of Ireland, she has studied the legendary life of Brian Boru, High King of Ireland. Often dismissed as a mythical figure, as all the known facts about him are contained within the several Irish annals. But thirty years of research have led L... >Voir plus
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Cazadores de sombras ¿Cuánto sabes de la saga?

¿Quién escribió la saga?

Stephanie Meyer
Cassandra Clare
A. G. Howard
Laura Gallego

15 preguntas
84 lectores participarón
Thèmes : cazadores de sombras , saga paranormal romantica juvenilCrear un test sobre este libro