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ISBN : 147118501X
320 páginas
Editorial: Simon & Schuster (28/11/2019)

Calificación promedio : 4.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (1) Añadir una crítica
 20 October 2023
"Those who are young tend to think that life's tragedies and miseries and its bullets will somehow miss them. That they can buoy themselves with naïve hope and energy. They think, wrongly, that somehow youth or desire or even love can outmatch the hand of fate."
This story is devastating. It shows us that love could be just as strong as to last decades even with distance, unexpected situations and wars.
Some scenes were so beautifully written, it makes me want to re-read it as soon as possible.
I loved Mr Fakhri's character, he is so paternal and empathetic. I could not stand Roya's decisions sometimes but I guess you cannot judge an innocent teenager who's in love.
The book goes back and forward between the 50's and the present time, describing Iran's political situation and how it affected everyone's lives.
What I found more deppressing about The stationery shop of Tehran was the passage from youth to late adulthood, getting older... Life is just so short. Everything goes fast and you could be regretting your life decisions 60 years later, or even worse: spending your whole life thinking about your past, about "what if" and neglecting your real life and even your actual family.
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yasminabsatayasminabsata20 October 2023
I wish I could clean life of the sadness in all its crevices.
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