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ISBN : 1783962526
208 páginas
Editorial: Elliott & Thompson Limited (17/11/2016)

Calificación promedio : 4.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
Winter is a withdrawal: quiet and dark and cold. But in the dim light frost shimmers, stars twinkle and hearths blaze as we come together to keep out the chill. In spite of the season, life persists: visiting birds fill our skies, familiar creatures find clever ways to survive, and the world reveals winter riches to those willing to venture outdoors.
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 18 March 2023
Winter : An antologhy for the changing seasons
Edited by Melissa Harrison

Un precioso recopilatorio de textos dedicados al invierno.
Abarcando casi 700 años, contiene poemas de Shakespeare, Stevenson, Hardy y relatos nuevos de Patrick Barkham, Satish Kumar y Anita Sethi, pasando por clásicos como Virginia Woolf o James Joyce.
Unidos por la fría belleza de la estación, la placidez de un paisaje adormecido, la libertad de la naturaleza para retomar sus ritmos pausados y la belleza de esa vida que sigue ahí, presente para las miradas atentas.

Un libro precioso que hemos disfrutado muchísimo con las chicas de las lecturas #readinenglish

#winter #changingseasons #melissaharrison winter #lecturasconjuntasraquellectora
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NuriaCCNuriaCC18 March 2023
There are moments of peace even in the darkest of times. When life is stripped to its purest core we find its resolve is strong. And when the world around me is so cold it nearly takes my breath away, when my feet feel they might just be snatched from beneath me, I will push on-in to the grass, towards the other side, and to my destination : to sit, and rest there a while, until time and nature have thawed my heart and fears.
Elizabeth Guntrip, 2016
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