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ISBN : 1527216756
176 páginas
Editorial: Flow Press (16/11/2017)

Calificación promedio : 4/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (1) Añadir una crítica
 30 September 2020
April Green nos presenta poemas muy breves pero que guían, aconsejan y se centran en lo positivo, en el crecimiento espiritual, y en fomentar la autoestima. El yo poético utiliza la metáfora orgánica de la planta, de la flor para resaltar diferentes aspectos de la transformación como huir de la soledad, de lo negativo, de lo malo, sanar las heridas, ser fiel a nosotros mismos y no usar máscaras, dejar atras el pasado y mirar al futuro para renacer, mejorar la autoconfianza, la autoestima y , así, afirmar nuestro ser para ser libres.
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Citas y frases (1) Añadir cita
Rosa44Rosa4430 September 2020

Some flowers only bloom once. And sometimes
That's enough to create a single, breathtaking
Moment that can change a person's life forever.

'It is because  we are loved that we can carry the
weight of the world and still keep going.

'But how do I grow with all this sadness planted in my bones? I asked.

'You grow the way some of the strongest flowers grow,' she said. 'When the darkness is most upon them; amongst the silence of the stars'

I remember weeping tears from the eyes of a lost life. A life carved out for me in the breeze -a life walking next to me, calling me, tugging at my soul; aching for me to stand still and taste it- the way the ocean pulls us in to taste the sweet salt of memories.

A life I finally had the courage yo steps into.

When you tie your life to a dream -it's a breathtaking and humbling experience to feel petals
falling from the sky into your hands like rain.

I have bloomed and flowers
a thousand times in
this lifetime;
(even when my roots
were damaged)

because I let the dying petals fall.

No matter the pain
it has taken you to get here;
the love you have lost,
given up on (passed by),
the wars you have fought,
run from (chased after).

you are still the expanse of the sky.
you are still the air,
the earth,
the moving tide,
and everyting i  between.

it is your birthright
to grow and ache
and change and learn
and hurt and heal.



you belong here.

one night,
the moon will shine
a little bit brighter and
you will forget
you are alone.

sometimes, you have to
let the memories become
air and turn to dust.

one day, you
will find the the strength to take a
breath and start again.
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