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Crítica de Namra

28 March 2021
Am I the only one who wants to punch Daisy? I am sure I am not. She is so hateable!!! She is the kind of woman who thinks that they are the smartest, the most honorable and, most importantly, "victims" of their faith and society, but in reality THEY decide to choose the easy path (nothing wrong with that, but stop complaining!!!). She chose money and status over "love" (twice) and she still thinks she is the victim. That's she is the innocent little girl. She is such a rich spoiled brat!😤😤😤


Did Jordan leave Nick and got engaged to another guy just because he didn't want to have a coffee with her on demand? Really??? Did I get it right??? Do these people know what "empathy" and "commitment" mean? She is no better than Daisy!

All (almost all) characters are abominable, but I guess that was the point. It's a story about the "modern" world and society. How people claim to be your "friends" as long as you are interesting or beneficial to them; how relationships or even "love" is of convenience; and how you are alone in the end after all.

In short, enjoyed it thoroughly. Was a light and fast reading. At first, I was not attracted to the book since the premise didn't really catch my attention, but at last, I started to give it a try and was totally worth it
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