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Las mejores frases de Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy (5)

Hexekat 21 November 2022
“They are not like Brangelina,” Simon said. “What would you even call them? Algnus? That sounds like a foot disease.”
“Obviously you would call them Malec,” said Beatriz. “Are you stupid, Simon?”
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Alpispa 19 December 2021
You are the flame that cannot be put out. You are the star that cannot be lost. You are who you always have been, and that is enough and more than enough. Anyone who looks at you and sees darkness is blind.
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Pebookworld 09 July 2021
Le había enseñado a hacer preguntas, a desafiar a la autoridad, para entender y creer en las reglas antes de seguirlas.
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Hexekat 21 November 2022
She was very unhappy in love,” Mark continued. “Beauty can be like that. Beauty cannot be trusted. Beauty can slip through your fingers like water and burn on your tongue like poison. Beauty can be the shining wall that keeps you from all you love.”
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Sorasaku 27 May 2020
Somos lo que nuestros pasados han hecho de nosotros. La acumulación de miles de decisiones diarias. Podemos cambiar, pero nunca borrar lo que hemos sido
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