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Editorial: No reconocida (17/03/2019)

Calificación promedio : 2/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
Brighton Longfield is kinda bad at life. She’s divorced, childless, and she just got fired… again…

With dwindling savings and few prospects, she packs her possessions into a U-Haul and sets out for the little town of Coventry where she inherited a dilapidated old house from her Great Aunt “Mad” Maude Tuttlesmith.

Coventry is supposed to be a stop in the road for Brighton. The plan is to fix up the house, sell it, and then figure out wha... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes sobre Drácula de Bram Stoker?

¿En quién se inspiró Bram Stoker para crear su personaje?

Arminius Vámbéry
Vlad Tepes
Vladislav II

10 preguntas
146 lectores participarón
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