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ISBN : 0452286034
436 páginas
Editorial: Plume (07/09/2004)
Elena Michaels is the world’s only female werewolf. And she’s tired of it. Tired of a life spent hiding and protecting, a life where her most important job is hunting down rogue werewolves. Tired of a world that not only accepts the worst in her–her temper, her violence–but requires it. Worst of all, she realizes she’s growing content with that life, with being that person.

So she left the Pack and returned to Toronto where she’s trying to live as a h... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes sobre Drácula de Bram Stoker?

¿En quién se inspiró Bram Stoker para crear su personaje?

Arminius Vámbéry
Vlad Tepes
Vladislav II

10 preguntas
146 lectores participarón
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