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Editorial: Autoeditado (15/04/2019)
Immortality sucks.

Eclipse has everything he could wish for, yet when he meets a little street urchin with a big mouth on the verge of death, he can’t help but be intrigued.

When street rat Silas finds himself in over his head and in dire need of rescue, he didn’t expect it to turn up in the shape of a sexy vampire. Waking up in an unfamiliar room he learns he’s dead, far from home and that vampires are very real. As Eclipse’s fledgling... >Voir plus
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Harry Potter para principiantes

¿Cuántas novelas hay en la serie Harry Potter?


7 preguntas
639 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro