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ISBN : 044018293X
378 páginas
Editorial: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group (01/01/1999)
Innocence dies so easily. Evil lives again . . . and again . . . and again.

One hundred years ago in Port Arbello a pretty little girl began to scream. And struggle. And die. No one heard. No one saw. Just one man whose guilty heart burst in pain as he dashed himself to death in the sea.

Now something peculiar is happening in Port Arbello. The children are disappearing, one by one. An evil history is repeating itself. And one strange, t... >Voir plus
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Harry Potter para principiantes

¿Cuántas novelas hay en la serie Harry Potter?


7 preguntas
639 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro