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Crítica de Loslibrosdechaski

13 October 2020
🖤 Opinión breve (español) 🖤
Este libro es simplemente maravilloso. Cada personaje, su trama, su humor, la manera en la que está escrito. Si esperáis encontrar un HP 2.0 no lo váis a encontrar, pero os aseguro que lo que váis a descubrir merecerá mucho la pena. Se merece un infinito de estrellas, pero le doy 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

🖤Brief review (english)🖤
Thanks to this book from @rainbowrowell Nat and I became friends, so it's an special book for both of us!
I can only say about this book that is simply perfect, because of its characters, the plot, the humor and the way its written. You are not going to find a 2.0 HP, but I swear that the world you are going to discover in it it's worth it!
5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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