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ISBN : 1533074933
302 páginas
Editorial: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (03/05/2016)
Life is counted in tiny breaths, ones that measure the length of your existence. Life stole the ability to make those breaths easy when Lily was nine years old. Turned her quiet. Made her curl into herself, and shut out a world that threatened to bury her under its weight.

The end of her world is what brings him back—her biker. His chocolate eyes pierce her soul while his club tempts her with a life that she didn’t know she could ever have. Especially... >Voir plus
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¿Eres un verdadero potterfan?

¿Cual es el núcleo de la varita de Lucius Malfoy?

Pelo de cola de unicornio
Nervio de corazón de dragón
Pluma de cola de fénix
Garra de hipofrifo

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