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Editorial: Autoeditado (03/04/2020)
A fake relationship can't fix a broken heart … right?

I’ve been in love with my best friend, Eli, forever, and I was all set to confess my feelings … until he showed up at my birthday party with someone else. I would have died on the spot if Rome hadn’t pulled me close, kissed me, and told everyone we’d secretly been dating for months. Except we’re not boyfriends. And until that night we’d never even kissed.

When my family finds out abo... >Voir plus
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Cazadores de sombras ¿Cuánto sabes de la saga?

¿Quién escribió la saga?

Stephanie Meyer
Cassandra Clare
A. G. Howard
Laura Gallego

15 preguntas
84 lectores participarón
Thèmes : cazadores de sombras , saga paranormal romantica juvenilCrear un test sobre este libro