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ISBN : 1626492182
228 páginas
Editorial: Riptide Publishing (27/12/2014)
Mischief, thou art afoot.
Special Agent Ryan "Mac" McGuinness is having a rough week. Not only is he on a new diet, but he's also been tasked with keeping Henry Page -- the world's most irritating witness -- alive. Which is tough when Mac's a breath away from killing the Shakespeare-quoting, ethically-challenged, egg-obsessed Henry himself. Unless killing isn't really what Mac wants to do to him.
Con man Henry Page prefers to keep his distance from the... >Voir plus
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Autoras de novela negra y policíaca

10 negritos

Agatha Christie
Phillys Dorothy James
Susan Hill

10 preguntas
96 lectores participarón
Thèmes : novela negra , LITERATURA POLICÍACACrear un test sobre este libro