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Editorial: Autoeditado (24/10/2020)

Sometimes, the world isn’t what you think. There are more horrors and wonders than you ever thought possible. That’s the kind of life I’ve lived, changed forever by the world and its secrets. Former soldier and now federal agent, I’m sent to help and hide those secrets. It should have been simple. Find the target, find out if he’s more than he appears, and report back. And if it comes to it, protect him from danger. Protect Levi.

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Cazadores de sombras ¿Cuánto sabes de la saga?

¿Quién escribió la saga?

Stephanie Meyer
Cassandra Clare
A. G. Howard
Laura Gallego

15 preguntas
84 lectores participarón
Thèmes : cazadores de sombras , saga paranormal romantica juvenilCrear un test sobre este libro