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ISBN : 1427862281
256 páginas
Editorial: TokyoPop (18/02/2020)
Yuujirou Matsukaze has been close friends with Rui Hanamine since the two of them were children, and at that time, Yuujirou was the one who stood up for and took care of his adorable, soft-hearted friend. But as it turns out, Yuujirou's childhood dreams end up growing a little too big to handle ― or, rather, too tall! At over six feet in height, the cheerful and happy-go-lucky Rui towers over his would-be protector... and still has no idea Yuujirou's had a cru... >Voir plus
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Adivina el personaje del Manga

Es una niña de diez años que recibe la misión de recolectar un conjunto de cartas mágicas conocidas como "cartas Clow", las cuales se dispersaron alrededor de la región ficticia Tomoeda al ser liberadas del sello que las mantenía resguardadas dentro de un libro.

Sailor Moon
Sakura Kinomoto
Usagi Tsukino

10 preguntas
56 lectores participarón
Thèmes : mangaCrear un test sobre este libro