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ISBN : 0762745657
246 páginas
Editorial: Lyons Press (01/10/2007)
In the tradition of Bill Bryson, a new writer brings us the lively adventures and biting wit of an African safari guide. Peter Allison gives us the guide’s-eye view of living in the bush, confronting the world’s fiercest terrain of wild animals and, most challenging of all, managing herds of gaping tourists. Passionate for the animals of the Kalahari, Allison works as a top safari guide in the wildlife-rich Okavango Delta. As he serves the whims of his wealthy clien... >Voir plus
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Descubre la magia: test de la saga Harry Potter, de J.K.Rowling

¿Qué medida tomó el profesor Snape para proteger la Piedra Filosofal?

Ganar una partida de ajedrez mágico
Recitar los ingredientes del Felix Felicis
Descifrar un enigma
Elaborar una poción multijugos

7 preguntas
136 lectores participarón
Thème : J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro