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ISBN : 8415499515
494 páginas
Editorial: JPM Ediciones (06/04/2018)
Each country, each language around the world has tales to tell. The TALIS Project brings them closer to you in a collection of multilingual tales, so you can enjoy them in the original language and also in Spanish and English. The workshops our association organises all around the world are an opportunity for everyone to transmit their culture in a creative way. We hope you will enjoy reading these stories as much as we enjoyed collecting them.
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Test Ver más

¿Cuánto puedes recordar de la literatura juvenil?

¿Cómo se llama el presentador de Los Juegos del Hambre?

Cesar Flickinmann
Cesare Flickerman
Caesar Flickerman

10 preguntas
79 lectores participarón
Thèmes : juvenil. infantil , crepusculo , fantasía , fantasía juvenil , literatura juvenil , Literatura infantil y juvenil , saga , saga paranormal romantica juvenilCrear un test sobre este libro