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ISBN : 1444900641
512 páginas
Editorial: Hodder Children's Books (06/05/2010)
Dark, gripping and romantic - read the books that inspired the phenomenal Netflix vampire series.

Book 6 in the Vampire Diaries series by bestselling author L J Smith.

Elena Gilbert is once again at the centre of magic and danger beyond her imagining. And once more, Stefan isn't there to help! Elena is forced to trust her life to Damon, the handsome but deadly vampire who wants Elena, body and soul. They must journey to the slums of the... >Voir plus
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Harry Potter para principiantes

¿Cuántas novelas hay en la serie Harry Potter?


7 preguntas
639 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro