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Crítica de AliciaMares44

24 November 2021
“Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.”

Awesome subversion of the hero persona, vigilantes and the society in which they sprout. I get why it is so important in the comic book industry. I get why some people didn't like the film. I get why the Minutemen prequels came out, since without knowing more of their background, the story and whole lineage of successors -who's gonna pick up the mantle?- fall kinda flat.
The whole world is bleak, decadent. Most of it speaks in poetic prose. I loved the atmosphere.

The comic that Bernie reads at the newstand? Bear it. The parallels it paints with the story that happens in the 'present' provide great quotes and ambience. The damned octopus at the end that comes out of nowhere? Bear with it. You know what I almost couldn't bear with? Nite Owl's simp-ness. Anywho.
The epilogues at the end of each chapter -extracts from autobiographies, ornitography journals, articles and interviews in newspapers, letters and such- help build up the world and give exposition in a creative way.

The ending was kind of a let down since Dr. Manhattan was as useless as a wooden frying pan and his poetic philosophic ramblings never amounted to much. However, most characters are compelling, specially Rorschach, and I love how they ponder about their vigilante past with certain maturity that inevitable leads to cringe -did we really use to dress up like this?-, but still with unrequitable nostalgia.
All in all a great read.
Enlace: https://leerenneon.wixsite.c..
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