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Crítica de Laia

30 October 2018
I like this kind of books. Romantic and really spicy. This one's nothing like the other one I'd read (Chase Me), this one has a lot more sex, and is good in one hand but also makes the romantic part of the book have less extension.
The end left me this good feeling that every good romance book should leave. This history is cheesy but cool and romantic.

It has time when I all wanted to do was throw the book across the room, and not because of the plot itself because the male role in this books was kind of problematic, a little cliché if you let me say. But I made my peace even though the romantic act with which he makes up for all the mess it's a little out of line.... but it's fine now.
I like that the characters have some kind of evolution.
I don't know, I just this It's a pretty good book for what I was expecting.
I'll read the next one, for sure.
Enlace: https://laiaisreading.blogsp..
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