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Editorial: Autoeditado (02/04/2020)
The last thing Emerson Rose expects is to fall for his best friend, Rhys, especially since he’s never been attracted to a man before. Everything in his life is already complicated enough. He’s put his own future on hold to raise his two younger siblings, and confusing feelings for the guy who always has his back muddy the waters even more. But then something astonishing happens. For one perfect moment, he thinks Rhys might feel the same—only to have his world come c... >Voir plus
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Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte

¿Quién mata al elfo Dobby?

Bellatrix Lestrange
El señor Malfoy
Nadie, murió de viejo

12 preguntas
68 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter y Las Reliquias de la Muerte de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro